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Other Search Engines

Share and discus your optimization tips to rank better in Ask Jeeves, Dogpile, AltaVista and all the other search engines.

  1. Started by Shawn,

    Putting Google aside, I think its always a good idea to rank high in other engines. How do we do do that with oh say yahoo, bing and ask?

    • 4 replies
  2. Started by Turner2011,

    There's actually a service at alexage dot com that improves Alexa ranking for websites and blogs.My blog's alexa rank went from beyond 200K to 65K in a couple of months, so Alexage worked pretty well for me.

  3. Started by Turner2011,

    There's actually a service at alexage dot com that improves Alexa ranking for websites and blogs.My blog's alexa rank went from beyond 200K to 65K in a couple of months, so Alexage worked pretty well for me.

    • 2 replies
  4. Started by AWS,

    Here are some search engines besides the big 3, Google, Bing, and Yahoo: DuckDuckGo: Prioritizes user privacy and does not track search history. Ecosia: An eco-friendly search engine that uses profits to plant trees. Startpage: Provides Google search results while protecting user privacy. Qwant: A privacy-focused search engine based in France. Baidu: The leading search engine in China, primarily for Chinese users. Yandex: Popular in Russia, offering a variety of services beyond search. Ask.com: Focuses on providing answers to users' questions. Dogpile: A meta-search engine that aggregates results from various search engines. Search Encrypt: A privacy-oriented s…