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Search Engine Marketing and Link Building

SEO, SEM and link building forums

  1. If you have decided on a blog or website and have your site up, even if it is just one page you need to get your site indexed. Indexing refers to getting the search engines to notice your site and list it. You also need to start establishing some backlinks to your site. You can use one exercise to accomplish both of these objectives. Backlinks are the main form of off -page natural SEO. The sooner your site has a backlink the better. You will also want to show a steady growth of backlinks.

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  2. Hello Fellow Members As we all are familiar with SEO, In this,we all should be aware from two different words first is "PR" and second is "SERP".I would like to know which is the main factor in terms of SEO?

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  3. SEO Career in India!! As technology advances, the way we produce and sell goods and services changes. And today, the one thing that is changing the selling/purchasing game all over the world is the Internet. More and more sellers are starting to have a presence online, while more and more customers are taking their money to the Internet and exchange it for products and services. In this context, where trade barriers are falling down, developed countries like USA and those on Western Europe are protecting their markets, not with taxes, but with other types of barriers, like quality standards. In order to overcome these, Indian companies and executives have to find…

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  4. Hello Friends As we all familiar with internet marketing,there are mainly two approaches: * Paid Marketing * Free Marketing I am believe to do SEO for any site because it gives me organic result.What about you?

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  5. Generating Revenue · Started by Shawn,

    I always hear adding a blog to your community could earn you more money. How true is this? And how would it work?

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  6. The most temporary a link can be is a paid placement on a search engine. When you sign up with Microsoft, Yahoo, or Google to pay for an advertisement spot for a given keyword, you are not buying a link; you are buying a paid listing in the search results that is not guaranteed to even show up. Search engines do not index these links, and they are completely ignored when they are determining how much of an authority your site is. This is a common misconception among newbies, and you should be glad that you won't be wasting any money on your SEO efforts purchasing paid placements on the big search engines. Moving away from search engines, however, most websites allow yo…

    • 1 reply
  7. Link Building · Started by Shawn,

    What is a link farm? And how can they harm your site in SEO? I always heard I should stay away from them.

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  8. Search Engine Optimation · Started by proxious,

    hi, Domain name play a most important role in SEO , these are the essential features i followed while selecting a domain name Brainstorm 5 Top Keywords Make the Domain Unique Only Choose Dot-Com Available Domains Make it Easy to Type Make it Easy to Remember Avoid Copyright Infringement Set Yourself Apart with a Brand Reject Hyphens and Numbers Don't Follow the Latest Trends i'd recommend you to use http://www.xnynz.com/ to host your site where i host my clients web sites

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  9. Search Engine Marketing · Started by Grampa,

    Over on IPB Webmaster, Mike posted this article : ************************ A common step taken by most forum admins is to select a domain name that will contain related keywords. This procedure will get you off on the right foot with the search engines. If you have a tennis forum, then having the word 'tennis' in the domain makes good sense. By the same token, having the word 'tennis' in the domain name of a forum about cooking is not the best selection. When you configure your IPB forum, you specify the name of your forum and by default, IPB will include that name in the title of all forum pages. Although your forum name also has related keywords, displaying …

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  10. Hi, I'm new to this whole SEO thing. I run the website http://www.mariostaronline.com which is an arcade website, and my niche is super mario games. I'm looking for some general seo advice...how do I create backlinks without posting in forums? how do I increase my PR? (well I dont have one right now because my site is new)...any advice from successful website owners would be great...thanks!

    • 2 replies
  11. Link Building · Started by Shawn,

    Is there any good sites for link trading that is free?

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  12. Anyone build tutorials or screen captures to demonstrate features of your forum for new users to get acquainted faster, or to share on 3rd party sites? I'm currently under going such a project, using adobe captivate (lovely btw) but only have about 28 days to finish it (not paying $700 for screen capture software :D), and just trying to ee what other people may have done for this solution.

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  13. Search Engine Optimation · Started by Shawn,

    I run a forum using vb 3.8, well two forums. Would purchasing VBSEO be a good idea or would it just be a waste of money? Also, I read on the VBSEO site that by having their mod installed, you can gain more revenue and I wonder how?

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  14. After Google, Yahoo and Bing which search engines bring in traffic to your site? I get a lot of traffic from the big 3, but, very little from the other less important search engines. Which search engines other than Yahoo, Google and Bing bring traffic to your site?

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  15. Please tell me all the possible ways to generate revenue using a forum? I would love to eventually have my forums pay for themselves for server/hosting costs and that but wouldn't mind to get more to spend on the sites :D I always hear that some people make $3000.00 a month with forums and I just wonder how that is possible...LOL that's a second job to me!

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  16. Search Engine Optimation · Started by Shawn,

    Do the use of forum tags do anything to help a forum's SEO at all?

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  17. Using adsense! I hear about people doing it all the time. How is this done?

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  18. Generating Revenue · Started by Shawn,

    Do I need a certain pagerank before most would considering buying adspace on my website?

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