Site Reviews
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10 topics in this forum
Illinois Skywarn Forum A message forum for Illinois Skywarn Storm Spotters.
- 8 replies
The Over 50 Golden Group I'm new here, so I'd like your honest opinions.. Site: Over 50's Golden Group - Index
- 1 reply
The Weather BB www weatherbb .com An online message forum for the discussion of weather and climate.
- 4 replies
OK, here's a site I set up for T-Bucket enthusiasts a few years back. It was recently converted from vBulletin to Invision Power Board, so it is just that much more a work in progress as I become more acquainted with IPB. The T-Bucket Forums Please be gentle, I bruise easily. ;)
- 4 replies
Hey guys I would love a SEO review here on our new IPB teen forum, I have done quite a bit of optimising and wondering if anyone has any extra tips for decent seo methods I could use. I am reluctant to use h1 in this niche however due to not one of the other higher ranked sites in this niche using it. I know its all about semantics but when optimising I noticed Google would push us back when we added h1 even though it was quite watered down and contained only one keyword from the two we were wanting ranked for. I havent bothered with the blogs just yet FYI. What I would love though is for me to be able to optimise perhaps the arcade urls to /arcade/ if p…
- 3 replies
Tell me what you think about it.
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I would really appreciate a review/seo review, more importantly though a SEO review. I have made a few edits here and there and have installed icelabz sitemap generator. Just wondering if anyone can give me a few pointers, this is my girlfriends website not my own by the way :) I was also wondering if canonicals etc were working in the latest IPB version if anyone knows about that I would like to know. Trying to Conceive Thank you :)
- 2 replies
So I have a new forum using IPB 3.1 and this is my first time using IPB 3.1. I want to optimize it the best possible way I can for SEO and need help, instructions, recommendations and reviews from others. Please feel free to be the others =)
- 2 replies
Again, I'd like your honest opinion Circles Of Friends Site:
- 3 replies
New phone review website We welcome you to Phones Review: We have decided it was about time we had a new website design change and would love to know what you think. has had a few changes to make the whole site look fresh, clear and easier to follow. There are not a lot of major changes other than the design and a few new features. Thanks! Tu Pham. __________________
- 1 reply