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DailyBlogr - The real Social Media Guru is here people ! [Video] #Epic

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For those of you involved in the eternal search for social media bliss – here is social media guru for you.

He claims he’s come from Gujarat, India and have been living with animals in the forest “communicaating” and has received the wisdom of communication which he wants to pass to social media gurus. Like he says – He’s come to the city of “lost angels”. This is Epic guys !


Looks like (Social Media) Guruji is going places. He claims that he’s been invited to the Streamy awards, and is nominated as well. In his “message” guruji says that one should not worry about winning, for all of us are winners.

Here is his voice message – The Streamy Awards I shall go !


Here are more Audio messages from Guruji




I am Guru Ji from Guru Ji on Vimeo.





Guruji’s Social Media Channels

- Guruji on Twitter

- Guru Ji on Foursquare

- Guru Ji on Blip.tv

- Guru Ji’s favorite hashtag – #Romanceit



Who is Social Media Guruji in real ?

I’m trying best to find out, but looks like we have two options.

1 – Either its a random guy trying to play around and have some fun (and he’s brilliant!)

2 – This is something connected with the Streamy awards, and is probably a viral campaign.


Any clues on who this could be ? Recognize the voice ?



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