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10 Awesome Social Media Presentations by thought leaders of the Industry

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When the majority of the web is only talking about Social Media, there are actually a bunch of guys who’re using it, utilizing it and practicing it as part of their strategies, like Social Media agencies for instance. These guys are thought leaders in the field, and while other BS, they give insights about it and practical examples of how social media is implemented and executed in the current market. These presentations are just plain awesome. Here we are with the 15 amazing presentations on social media strategies, some of them dealing with what social media is, while some deal with how to integrate social media to niche industries. Quite honestly



1. Social Media 2010: Competitive Advantage and Survival



Social Media 2010: Competitive Advantage and Survival</p> View more presentations from Patsy Stewart.




2. What can we learn from the Obama Social Media campaign

10 Social Media lessons – Barack Obama election campaign


View more presentations from Mark McNally.



3. What the F**k is Social Media ?

What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later


View more presentations from Marta Kagan.



4. Social Media in Asia

Social Media in Asia


View more presentations from 360digitalinfluence.



5. Web 3.0 – This time its personal

web 3.0 this time its personal


View more presentations from jenny williams.



6. Content Strategy for Social Media

Content Strategy for Social Media Success


View more presentations from russellfsm.



7. How to make the best use of SEO and Social Media

Social Media Optimization – Integrating SEO & Social Media


View more presentations from Oxiem Marketing Technology.



8. Brand Promotion and Reputation Management with Social Media

Social Media: Brand Promotion & Reputation Management


View more presentations from Refresh Central Arkansas.



9. How to Build Social Media Presence with Facebook and Twitter

Social Media Networking


View more presentations from Derek Ross.



10. Social Media for Realtors

Social Media for Realtors


View more presentations from Virtu-Assist.

These are presentations with amazing ideas and value, though we’re all on the learning curve, information and insights like these sure helps on any day.



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