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DailyBlogr - 10 Tips on making viral videos Strategies from successful examples

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All of us are familiar with viral videos. We’ve seen them, shared them even discussed them, but what not many of us know is the amount of work that goes behind many of these videos. The strategy involved and how someone out there knew exactly what you would do after watching them –share !


Lets take some interesting examples and dissect the anatomy. Lets find out what the characteristics and features are for viral videos are. How does videos go viral on the internet ?



1. Zero branding or go make an Ad instead

Most of the viral videos we see are either part of a guerrilla strategy or camouflage branding. We don’t see the product or company behind it, or their message out right on your face, but its hidden and its targeted. That is the difference between ads and viral videos, ads tell you outright (well, most often) that it is an Ad, while viral videos mostly don’t say it unless its a seriously entertaining one that’s obvious.



2. Short and Sweet is what people like

Most viral videos we see are not more than 3 minutes. Because, our attention span (when I say “us”, I mean the internet audience) is very less compared to any other media (like TV) and the power we have to make a choice is huge. And considering that sharing is the final “action” we want the viewer to take, 3 minutes is probably the longest engagement.



3. The first few seconds are extremely important

As I said, our attention span is very small and we often make a judgement in the first 3-5 seconds. So if your video is not attention grabbing in the first few seconds and does not “awe” the viewer, then you failed the whole exercise.



4. Make the viewer insecure

No, wait, I didn’t mean the emotional insecurity. But once they watch the video, one should feel “How the hell did I miss this earlier ?”. I guess doing the extraordinary is what implies here, but considering the viewer emotions, its more like making him insecure to prompt an action.



5. Entertain & Engage with the viewer emotionally

Most of the viral videos have been silly, and without substance if you would review it, but the core idea is that people loved it because the video gave them a good time laughing or emotionally touching them.



6. Make it look amateurish, even if it weren’t

For most of the viral videos we like, we think that they were made by some guy with his handy cam or mobile for that matter. But the reality in most cases is that they were carefully crafted and probably first made with professional cameras or were purposefully shot to look amateurish. The thing here is that, the moment people realize that you are here to say something, they turn back. Instead don’t even reveal that you know they’re listening, instead focus on the content.



7. Utilize the curiosity factor

If you take any of the viral videos, there is an underlying curiosity factor that forms the thread. Sometimes, its very evident but otherwise submissive. The fact is that we’re all curious and everybody like a little tease or a hide and seek game. Use it well, try and tell a story hiding the real thing first and slowly revealing. Its easily said than done, but I hope you got the idea.



8. Test it on the most tasteless guy you know

Sorry for using the harsh word there, but the idea is that even if you had the “most awesome-st idea”, there would be someone who wouldn’t be interested. And one cannot be 100% sure of the success rate when making a viral video. The best thing to do is make more than one version of it and test it on the most un-appreciating audience. If they move a muscle, you can be sure that its a hit with others.



9. Its about the viewer, not your brand

Cliche’ huh ? Well it is. Always keep the viewer in mind when making videos. Remember those iPad thrashing videos on YouTube ? And the whole series where new gadgets were bought and thrashed. That is one simple example of how brands even can be tarnished to make something interesting. A very crude form though. Those guys took it serious literally.



10. Leave a question unanswered at the end

Making a statement or leaving a message with viral videos is easy. But the problem is that, it may hit the viewing pleasure badly. Imagine showing up your brand/logo pop up at the end of the video. Some brands might be able to pull it off but not everyone. A safe bet would be to leave the question unanswered and let the user guess the brand/product/person. That leaves a far more lasting impression on the viewer.



Examples of some successful viral videos



This video was simple yet striking and most importantly remixed over and over again at various contexts. A good example of how a simple thing, if done differently and unique can still go a long way.



The Sony Bravia Ad, that was fresh in concept, used the curiosity factor, and simple enough to make even a child smile, was an instant hit when it hit the internet. And finally the greatest YouTube hits in 4 mins !



And now as YouTube celebrates its five years, you can see all the top videos in the spotlight here.



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