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DailyBlogr - Use foursquare? Get free pizza at Dominos, free coffee at Starbucks

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We knew this was going to happen. Die hard foursquare users can now rejoice ! At last, there is some meaning to all those badges you collected. Dominos has started, sort of a loyalty program for its mayors on foursquare. Chances are that if you’re a mayor, you’ll get a free pizza every month or so, for your hard work. Win-win situation eh ?




But why now ? We all have been using foursquare for some time now, and this had to happen now ? Well I suspect something.


Facebook recently hinted that they might integrate location based services on to their platform. Now, if that happens, it will be huge ! Foursquare and Gowalla can run shut off. So this new benefit program can be a counter strategy against this.


And where does it go from here ? Free pizzas, free coffee, free burgers – wow the list is endless. By the way, keep frequenting the most prominent brands if you can, cos they’re likely to give away rewards than anyone else.


Off to some check ins !


(Image credit – PSFK)




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