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5 Ways to completely suck at blogging (and what you could do about it)

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What’s so cool about blogging ? Its easy, and anyone who can write emails can do it quick and dirty, let their thoughts be known the world and get feedback in no time. Now, don’t get me wrong but I’m entirely positive when I say that the noise is more than signal among blogs world wide. If you were to categorize bloggers based on their productivity (which itself is a debatable term) then there would be a dominating amount of “strugglers” than “achievers”. Agree ? No ? Okay, lets see where it goes.


I’m taking off my blogger’s hat. I’m thinking like a student fresh out of college, researching on whether he should take blogging as a career or not. I put on his spectacles, and this is what I see, and here are the results.




What do I see most on the web ?


- People promising to teach you something “too good to be true”

- Experts who sells CD’s and tutorial videos.

- Experts who’re already successful by telling people how they want to be successful.

- Products that if you buy will probably make you richer over nite.

- Some random SEO guy who keeps telling him how one can get backlinks from virtually anywhere on the internet.

- Adsense tips.


What do I don’t see most on the web ?


- Successful people revealing their income sources.

- Experts not talking in real terms or practicality.

- Experts who don’t have certificates from accredited universities like the one I went to.

- People who don’t mention anything about the time he took to buy that ferrari he’s posing with.


Now, lets not take it personal with the “gurus” out there. This is what someone who’d search the web would often come across. Lots of fluff than the real stuff – unfortunately. That’s the web for you. Blogs are no different. I’m not trying to say that there aren’t any blogs at all that pass value. There sure are and we all know how many of them are there really. And we know who’s faking it. But if you’re a blogger, you’ll know how difficult is it to come up with ideas that are acceptable by the crowd daily. And its not the blogger’s mistake if he finds it hard. I’d say its the listener’s mistake.


Why does an “Internet Success Guru” survive ? Because he never runs out of “clients”. So if you’re being one, you just promoted the idea, mind you. Now, who’s to blame ?



So if you’re being a blogger who’s doing all that things that doesn’t make any sense but give you the “fake celebrity status” and gets you running with that “possibly it’ll make me some money before my last vacation” thoughts, here are some clues for ya.


</h3> <h3>- Read your reader’s mind.

And what does that mean ?Use your brain. Forget those keyword tools and internet data. Imagine you’re speaking to a group of real people, with similar mind set, and think of why they would listen to you. What could make them happy ? What’s that they anticipate from you ? Find answers, list them down, brood over it.



- Don’t fake.People can see right through your words.

Did you know that faking is easy and many people do it already ? What you’re doing is that you’re just being one among the crowd, with no difference, value what so ever. Be original, now that takes some guts, and not many people are courageous enough to take it up. You be it, you be it.



- Don’t try to be somebody who’s already known for his face or words.

Well technically it means – don’t f***ing copy others ! ‘Nuff said.



- Don’t be a news agency. Leave it to them please.

Do you know which category has the most number of blogs ? Technology. And you know why ? Because technology news is easily gobbled up by the community. But do you know why technology sucks ? Because you need expertise, and not all can be experts. And you know what separates a loser technology blogger from a successful technology blogger ? Time. Yes time. So there was a software that launched yesterday and Techcrunch and Mashable reported it already, its on the front page of dig and there are 300 f***ing comments already made. Now you go to your tiny little blog and “break the story” ? What happens ? If possible, readers would draw graffitis on your homepage. I can’t even imagine what they’d write though. Probably something nasty.



- Bring things into perspective. Don’t yap.

Oh wait, now you must be thinking, this dude is telling me to do all the things that’s difficult and not so easy huh ? Well, my friend that’s the game all about. You do easy things, you get forgotten easily. You do difficult things, and you stand a chance to win the lottery.



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