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DailyBlogr - Google Instant is fast but doesnt improve search quality

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Before we jump into conclusions, take a look at the search result. A simple search for “Google Instant” would not show up anything about Google Instant at all.


Google Instant is super fast and it takes the search experience to another level, and I agree to what Marissa Meyer said Google Instant is a New shift in Search.


But I sincerely wish if they did something similar to the search results in improving them.


http://www.dailybloggr.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/googleinstant_thumb.jpg The reality is that while Google team worked on improving the search user experience, there is no improvement on the index part. So SEOwise there is no change at all in the way Google works.


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Join Dailybloggr Community on FacebookGoogle Instant is fast but doesn’t improve search quality was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.




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