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Remember those days when publishers would do anything to make it to the Digg front page ?


A Digg front page meant server crashes and loads of traffic, it was a whole adrenaline rush. Well, not any more.




After the V4 Redesign, its been all downhill for Kevin Rose and his team. Probably Kevin did a good job in transforming Digg to a better scalable product, and got rid of tech issues as he claims which was the biggest problem. But the team probably did a wrong calculation in calculating what was important/top priority when going for V4.


More than product scalability and tech issues, it was the Digg community itself and the whole idea of how Digg was unique and valued among publishers. V4 Digg basically diluted the whole mix and took away the Digg effect.


Reports recently show that there is no longer any benefit for being on the Digg front page for publishers. Users on the other hand also have confirmed that theyve lost interest in the new Digg and it no longer excites them, forget the tech issues.


TechRadar, an A-lister publisher with Digg in its old days have confirmed that its Digg referral traffic has taken a beating recently after the V4 update.




So, Kevin, whats the whole purpose of this thing now ? R.I.P Digg


Join Dailybloggr Community on Facebook“Digg Effect” is No More : Confirmed was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.




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