Posted December 21, 201014 yr I haven’t done an updated “Reccomended SEO Plugins for WordPress” since 2008, so I figure it’s about time to correct that problem. SEO Surprisingly, the number pure SEO plugins isrelativelyshort. This is due to two factors: my use of Thesis as a Theme (see Thesis Theme Review) and WordPress SEO Plugin. WordPress SEO – In the past, I haven’t been a huge fan of all-in-one SEO plugins, but this year Joost De Valk changed my mind. This plugin does the work of 8 plugins. It builds XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs, builds thecanonicaltag, takes care of robots, Google analytics, and more. Really, if you use only one plugin from this entire post, this is the one to get. Scribe SEO – Scribe SEO is a plugin that checks your post for keyword focus and bunch of other SEO factors (see my Scribe SEO Review for more details). This plugin is part of paid service, but I can tell you it’s one I use, and it makes me more money every month. For an example on how to use it, check out How to Perform a Content Audit. Dagon Design Sitemap Generator – An HTML sitemap is one of the key features of making your website more crawlable. This plugin builds the sitemap and updates itself when new pages or posts are added. WP Super Cache – With the announcement that site speed became a ranking factor, you need to pay attention to site performance. Caching is one of the easiest ways to do it. WPtouch – As smart phones become more ubiquitous, everyone is going to need a mobile-friendly version of their website. Rather than having two versions, though, this plugin takes care of all the heavy lifting for you. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – This is a great plugin because it allows you to expose your readers and the search engine spiders to other related content. UTILITIES AND EDITING This category makes up the largest group of plugins I use andrecommend. Quite simply, these are tools that make WordPress better/easier to use.Ad Injection – Allows you to inject ads randomly throughout your posts. Very configurable with a lot of options. Highlyrecommended.AdRotate – If you sell ads or display affiliate ads, this plugin makes it easy to administer them without having to muck with the code. You can have multiple ad blocks and groups.Blogroll Page – A big list of friend’s blogs down your sidebar is soooo 2005. Blogroll pages are where it’s at now. This plugin takes the list in your sidebar and puts them on page.Custom sidebars – Sometimes you’ll want different sidebars for your posts, for social pieces, for advertising, or for any other number of reasons. This plugin makes it easy to do.Dagon Design Form Mailer – A contact form with configurable options. The best part is you can have multiple forms if you need them.Dashboard: Pending Review – This plugin let’s you know if there are posts waiting for review right in the dashboard.Dashboard: Scheduled Posts – Shows you a list of the next posts scheduled to post right in your dashboard.Dynamic Content Gallery – This puts a visual slider on your homepage and allows you to feature new or top content.Exec-PHP – Sometimes you need to execute some PHP code in your posts. This plugin lets you do it.Executable PHP widget – Same as above except in widget form for your sidebar.FeedBurner FeedSmith – Does the whole feedburner redirection thing.Future Calendar – Shows acalendaron your post edit pages. Every day with a scheduled post changes color. The more posts, the darker the color. This is essential if you do a lot of scheduled posts.GoCodes – Simple redirection/ URL masking on your blog.GZIP Output – Not sure why WordPress took this out but now it’s back.Insights – Lets you execute searches on your blog or in Google from the editing dashboard, so there’s no need to open up a second link. Click the icon and the highlighted words are linked automagically. This plugin is a huge timesaver.KB Linker – Lets you autolink words in your posts, which is essential for traffic and internal anchor text.Login LockDown – WordPress is a piece of swiss cheese from a security standpoint, and this closes some of those holes. It’s better than nothing.Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu – Puts the Admin bar back at the top where it should be.Photo Dropper – Searches flickr for creative commons images and inserts the images and attribution automagically–another huge timesaver.Post Template – Have a post that you make every week or month? Turn it into a template and save time.Search & Replace – Sometimes you gotta change stuff. This plugin lets you do it quickly and easily. This is really powerful and there is no undo so use with caution.Search Meter – Keeps track of what people are searching for on your website.Simple Pull Quote - Adds those nifty looking pull quotes on your site to make you look much more professional.Tidy Up – Cleans up your screwy HTML. Use with caution, especially if you have PHP in some posts.</p>Tweet old post – Tweets posts from your archives very configurable. SEO Crybabies don’t like it, but the rest of the world gobbles up your old content like freshly baked bread. Make sure to disable the dates though. Viper’s Video Quicktags – Easyembeddingof video from multiple sources.Wikipedia nofollow – Do unto wikipedia as wikipedia does unto you: nofollow all links to the wiki Stats – Puts quick stats right in your dashboard.WordPress Editorial Calendar – A table-like calendar view of pending and scheduled posts with drop and drag editing. Another big timesaver if you schedule your posts.WordPress Popular Posts – Let’s you do some magical stuff with your popular posts, like the images I have in my sidebar or on my updated popular posts page.WP-EMail – Adds “email a post” functionality to your website.WP-Print – Adds printer friendly pages to your website.WP Minify – Reduces the whitespace in your code, making it just a little bit leaner and meaner.WP Status Notifier – sends an email to an editor when a post is kicked into pending review status. It’s helpful for multi-author blog or blogs with an editor who cleans up your bad grammar and spelling (Hi Sara and thanks again!) MAINTENANCE Broken Link Checker – Linkrot is bad. This plugin identifies it so you can go fix it. I was amazed how much stuff goes away and how quickly it does. A very helpful plugin. Optimize DB – Cleans up your DB, making it smaller and faster. Redirection – Sometimes pages move; this helps you identify and fix the problems. WordPress Database Backup – Essential for making backup of your WordPress database. Related posts: SEO Plugins for WordPress Part II Ever since my initial SEO plugins for wordpress post almost...SEO Plugins for WordPress This post is old and outdated, for a new version...WordPress SEO: WordPress Security Why it Matters to SEO In recent weeks wordpress security, or more correctly the lack...Two WordPress Plugins That Need to be Developed After my SEO plugins for wordpress and backend plugins for...WordPress SEO: How to Create Living URL’s If you watched any of the congressional hearings about the... Advertisers: Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard ReviewNeed an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting ServicesLink Building- Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295KnowEm - Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites.Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review. WordPress SEO Plugins – 2010</img></img></img></img></img></img></img></img> View the full article
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