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DailyBlogr - Find the top shared stories on LinkedIn with LinkedIn Today

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LinkedIn has released their own social media dashboard today, called LinkedIn Today. LinkedIn Today is basically a mashup of al the links and stories shared on LinkedIn by its users re-arranged and formatted based  on popularity.




Its much like the Flipboard and Paper.ly style of mashup where based on popularity the most share stories are featured from top-down. Additionally, the top shared sources (websites) and the popular industries are featured.


A good initiative from LinkedIn. How is it different from other mashups ? Well, this one tells you what LinkedIn users prefer, so its very likely that youll find less spam here.


Join Dailybloggr Community on FacebookFind the top shared stories on LinkedIn with LinkedIn Today was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.






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http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DailyDose4me?i=BTeQAFuDiP8:XR0CXeF8GB8:V_sGLiPBpWU</img> http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DailyDose4me?i=BTeQAFuDiP8:XR0CXeF8GB8:gIN9vFwOqvQ</img> http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DailyDose4me?i=BTeQAFuDiP8:XR0CXeF8GB8:F7zBnMyn0Lo</img>


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