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DailyBlogr - Top 10 Funny Reactions to Rebecca Blacks Friday Viral

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The internet has a new superstar – Rebecca Black. Some claim that she could be the next Justin Bieber, but a vast majority thinks otherwise. Soon after Rebecca’s Friday number was released, and the video became a “Viral hit”, there’s been responses all over as to why such a terrible video is getting so popular ?


In fact, that’s the vicious circle of viral videos, people watch the video just to figure out why its popular and while doing so, the video grabs hits – making it apparently “popular”. But this time, its a bit different because if you check the number of likes and dislikes, its evident that the number of dislikes, is like ten times the likes. Something that clearly says that numbers doesn’t mean everything.


Here are the top 10 reaction videos to Rebecca Black’s Friday.



1. Rebecca Black – Chipmunk Version




2. Rebecca Black – Slowed Down Version (Much better!)




3. Rebecca Black – Friday Sequel, Saturday (Parody)




4. Rebecca Black – Friday (Analysis – Why is it viral ?)




5. Rebecca Black – Friday (Overexposed – Kingsley)




6. Rebecca Black – Wednesday (Parody)




7. Rebecca Black – How awful is this ?




8. Rebecca Black – Fried Eggs




9. Rebecca Black – Friday Review




10. Rebecca Black – Friday Response



Join Mani Karthik on FacebookTop 10 Funny Reactions to Rebecca Black’s Friday Viral was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.






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