Posted July 10, 201113 yr</img><br/></img> Dont get misguided by the increase your followers and friends title. While this post will help you increase your followers and friends on Twitter, the applications are intended to create a better engagement platform on Twitter, thereby helping you increase your overall presence on Twitter automatically getting your more friends and followers. As you might have already noted, to make it big on Twitter, you really need to be active on it by the second. You need to be engaging, informational and interesting to convince someone to follow you on Twitter. To a level, you can do all that in a manual way, but at some point you need the help of applications. Below are a list of applications that will help you get more active on Twitter helping you make it bigger with more followers and friends, not to mention an interesting timeline as well. 1. Connect with all your Facebook friends on Twitter Facebook friends are more valuable than Twitter. At least, you have a better rapport with them than on Twitter. How about importing or finding them all on Twitter ? Friendlynx does just that. It searches for your friends on facebook and matches them with their Twitter handles helping you to follow and connect with them on Twitter. 2. Manage your followers list effectively to find new engagements An amazing piece of software this one. What it does it, that it keeps tab of your most active friends on Twitter, like the ones you talk to most, the ones who retweet you most, the ones whove added you to their list most etc and give you specific reports on the same. With formulists, you can create active lists based on your criteria so you can keep track of your followers meaningfully and more effectively than just randomly adding them to lists. Must try this out ! 3. Connect with people who retweet your content the most So you have a blog, or may be not. But there are lots of people who retweet your content. Do you really take an effort to search and find them ? If you thought all your retweets appear in your mentions youre wrong. Many retweets miss your mentions column both on apps like Tweetdeck and the web. Now, heres a tool that will effectively help you find all the people whore retweeting your content. Retweetfollow if you give a phrase (your handle or a tweet) or even a URL, then it searches the entire tweet directory for tweets that mention it and gives you a neat list of all the people who has retweeted you along with their vital statistics like influence / follower number etc. This is a good way to find more people whore already inclined to engage with you, but whom you never knew of. 4. Find informative content in your Twitter stream clearing out all blabber They say that more than 70% of Twitter is all about pointless blabber. And if youre following more than 500 people you know how your stream would look like. To create an effective engagement strategy clearing out all blabber from your stream, you need to find out the informative tweets alone from the stream. Mostly, people tweet lots of informative links on Twitter. An effective way to engage or get introduced to these people are by retweeting their content. Heres a tool that does just that. It sieves through your entire twitter stream and gives you only those tweets that contain informative content, like with urls. You can then retweet them or reply to them to the poster and grab their attention. A nice way to get to meet new people. 5. Find & Follow new and interesting people based on interests I know there are a couple of tools that lets you do this, but one tool that is consistent and delivers results effectively is peoplebrwser. With this tool you can select a region from an entire list of places, and also select an activity or area of interest and it lists out possible interested people based on your searched criteria. For example, if you search for movie goers from miami, it gives you an entire list of people from Miami whore well.. movie goers. The interesting this is that the list is more or less accurate and is pre populated which makes it very authentic. I use it to follow interesting folks from different categories that interests me. Have to admit that striking a conversation with them makes more sense as you share the same interest with each other. 6. Connect with the most influential people on Twitter at one place Well, there are more than one way to find out whore the most influential people on Twitter, but one nifty way is to keep track of all those homepage tweeters. These guys arent the classified verified account holders but the seriously interesting folks that Twitter team handpicks to be featured on the Twitter homepage. Now, heres one tool that keeps track of it all based on the frequency of appearance and influence. Resonancers. 7. Engage with your network find whats trending among them Trending topics are everywhere, but whats trending within your friends network ? clueless ? Theres one tool that will find it for you Friending Topics. When global Twitter trends doesnt make any sense to you, it will find out what your friends are talking about most and let you get involved with them. Nice way to engage with your network, isnt it ? When you join a trending conversation, youll get introduced to new people and get followed as well. Summary To get more friends and followers on Twitter, theres only one way to go. get active on Twitter and use it in the most innovative and clever ways as possible. Do not engage in any sort of automation like mass following thousands of people, and hoping that they follow you back. Unless your stream is active and interesting, nobody is going to follow you back. So the idea is to maintain an interesting stream in the first place. The above tools will help you create interesting conversations and find new people based on interest and strike a new conversation with them. It has always worked for me, hope it works for you as well. Join Mani Karthik on Facebook7 New Twitter Apps to increase your followers & friends was posted at by Mani Karthik. Related posts:4 Simple ways to show love & respect to your Twitter followers10 Twitter tools to effectively manage your followersGet more followers on Twitter with similar interests as you</img></img></img> View the full article
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