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DailyBlogr - Why Would You Get Rich Slowly With Blogging?

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Less than a couple of decades ago the word blog and blogging neither existed in the dictionary nor in the world. But now blogging not only has its own world but also a sphere (blogosphere) too.




A few do blogging just because everyone does; some do it as a hobby; but many are doing it as a business. What is the excitement of doing business if you don’t earn money? Everybody needs their efforts to give them some fruits. This is certainly a good thought and desire. The problem arises only if you think that you must get rich instantly.


You can get rich instantly only if you rob (of course you will also become the most wanted person). Jokes apart, getting rich isn’t that easy especially through blogging. Do you remember the good old proverb “Slow and steady wins the race”? That proverb well suits blogging business.


On an average if you want to earn through blogs, you will get around $50-$75 per month. However if you do this blog as a full time you can earn in 3 or 4 figures. However to earn in 6-7 figures you need to wait.


How many bloggers you know who earns in 6 or 7 figures? I know only a few. Getting rich through blogging is not eating ice cream, not everyone can do this. Why? Because this is not an export business to sell and earn; this is a business sown with effort, germinated with talent and grown with trust.


The process of getting rich through blogging is similar to that of a growth of a tree. Yeah, you must struggle hard in the initial stages to enjoy the taste of the ripe fruits during later stages.


There are a various factors that act as the response to the question in our title;



Audience don’t jump from the sky

Quality and recurring audience is the secret of any successful blog. Only if you have chronic readers, you can monetize your blog. Therefore audience must be our prime concern during initial stages.



Point to be pondered:

To build such a quality audience you need to put more efforts like concentrating on your content, SEO, etc. This will surely guzzle the first few months sans any income (or with very meager income).



Practice to be prevented:

If you spend the initial months in promoting, advertising and other monetizing chores then you will earn for the time being but you can never be sure of the consistency of the income.



Befriended Fellow Bloggers?

Do you know, people who earn lots through blogging have a cordial relationship with other bloggers both online and offline? Yeah, you need to befriend other bloggers (especially the ones more popular than you).



Point to be pondered:

Many well-known bloggers arrange conferences or one-one luncheons and they discuss about their blogs, social issues, current technologies and other topics related to their blogs. If you are aiming to become rich then you too must be following the footsteps of the legendary bloggers.



Practice to be prevented:

As soon as you befriended bloggers and audience you can’t order them or beg them to make donations, buy products, etc (Do all these slowly).



Make your Ads awesome not arid

In the aim of earning money naive bloggers put too much ads in their blogs. Similarly they advertise too much in facebook, twitter, etc.



Point to be pondered:

There are two major problems with Ads during initial stages of blogging;


1. You don’t know which Ad is trustworthy and which is not, thus you have chances of populating your blog with unwanted or treacherous Ads.


2. As a naive blogger you can’t expertly organize and segregate your Ads, affiliate links, donation buttons, etc



Practice to be prevented:

The ads that are posted on your page make or break the reputation of your page. So at initial stages don’t ask readers to click Ads or donate instead try requesting them to follow you, share your post, comment, add RSS feed, etc.


Experience is the best teacher – this is very much true especially in blogging. Blogging is not as lucrative as it seems; you must struggle hard in the blogging world in order to get popular as well as to become rich.


Now that you knew about the three greatest reasons why making money with blogging takes time, enhance this post by sharing your views in the comments.


Join Mani Karthik on FacebookWhy Would You Get Rich Slowly With Blogging? was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.






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