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DailyBlogr - Mark Zuckerbergs secret project Facebook Plus: Exclusive

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According to rumors and grapevines, Mark Zuckerberg has hit the panic button at Facebook HQ and is currently working on a top secret project called “Facebook+”. Speculated to be a direct take on the much hyped and now clueless, social networking website from Google, Google+.




Conveniently ignoring the similarities in names, Facebook+ is pronounced to be “the next big thing, the world awaited” and is supposedly entirely built on unique algorithms from one of, none other than Mr.Zuckerberg’s college projects from the good old days.


Sources say, that Facebook+ is built with the sole motto of making this world a better place to live, this time with better privacy and all that.


While not all features of Facebook+ is known yet, reliable sources say that, one can import all existing contacts from MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, MyBlogLog and pretty much all small and big social networks you’ve ever heard of and shut down till date to FB+ and add them to what appears to be called as “Squares”.


Where the user can significantly set separate privacy and intimacy settings within various Squares. Family square, School square, Office square, Overlapping squares, Miscellaneous squares – the possibilities are endless.


Also, Facebook+ not only features video chat, but some sort of online money transaction/payment gateway integrated to its core so that users can carry out money transactions right in Facebook+. The money equivalent is what is codenamed as “Checkers”.


This is how Facebook plus checkers work.


Hundred checkers = 1 USD.


Users can earn checkers by poking each other. 1 Poke = 0.001 Checkers.


Daily limits apply for maximum possible checkers and pokes and is relatively dependent on your number of friends.


Example: User A has hundred friends. He is limited to 10 pokes per day. So in order to reach the $1 mark, he should wait for ten days with ten pokes each a day.


User B on the hand has 500 friends. He is limited to 50 pokes per day. Which means he can get to the $1 mark, in about roughly 2 days.


* Based on raw data and assumptions, the real deal might vary.


Which means that very popular folks on Facebook, can “mint checkers” like anything and become rich quick online.


Which by the way, experts hint could be the beginning of the decline of the AdSense era.


Whereby, webmasters can turn to legitimate ways of “making money online” apart from MFAs and AdSense, which have been enjoying the monopoly in the “make money online” market since the internet got popular. (Ironically, AdSense is also a Google project.)


So, if rumours are to be believed, the Facebook+ project carries a lot more surprises and features which is currently only known to the selected few programmers and Mark Zuckerberg himself. A pack codenamed as “Zucks best” at the Facebook HQ.


I hope Fb team releases more details about Facebook+ in the coming days, and clear out all speculations.

Also, release Facebook+ soon enough before Google+ come up with some crazy update and lock us all with another set of closed beta invitations.


Join Mani Karthik on FacebookMark Zuckerberg’s secret project Facebook Plus: Exclusive was posted at DailyBloggr.com by Mani Karthik.






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