Posted March 15, 201014 yr</img></img> Looks like Digg is up for a major overhaul, one that will completely translate its image and reputation, hopefully to better heights. From what I’ve heard and seen, Digg is taking some real bold steps. Completely changing the game they played, reversing the table. Image courtesy – RWW As we all know, Digg was both famous and notorious. Famous for its “Digg Effect” and notorious for its “Non-democratic” ways of giving all the powers to top-diggers, who are long time (some not so long time) diggers who has the power to make or break a story. They are influential, and has mostly an army of fellow diggers who vote for their stories, making them to the front page. Now we all know that this isn’t easy as it sounds. There are games being played, hate groups, blind fans, a bit of racism, and all that stuff. Now, you can disagree with me in vain but we all know that if a normal guy (lets say inactive guy or fairly active guy) submits a story, its no way making it to the front page. You need to be an “insider”. You have to have an army of diggers whom you should suck up to requesting for diggs. You should monitor the story ever hour and see how the diggs come “naturally”. You can’t just pass the story link via email, but share the upcoming page link, and ask them to find your story from the page. Trade diggs, reddits, stumbleupons etc. Stay up late night if you’re on the “other side” of the world to get maximum exposure for your story. And all that s**t. So digg is democratic yeah, but all these games are played under the hood. I’m not saying that Digg allows all these on their own, they probably aren’t aware of it and as and when they come across a website/digger that tries to game the system, they ban it as well. But that wasn’t enough. Now that the new digg algos and designs are coming up, I’m hoping there’ll be some fresh and new change coming in for the good. We’ve heard that it will take away the powers from top-diggers and give it to the people, but how effective its going to be ? I don’t know. Its very likely that the clever ones will figure a way out to manipulate it further, but hopefully, they won’t do it quick, and as they do it, digg gets clever as well. Have you been using Digg ? How easy /hard was it for you ? Download Free SEO Link Building ToolDigg Takes the powers off top diggers, gives it to you was posted at by Mani Karthik.</img></img></img> View the full article
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