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  1. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/0FV03b5c_DHmphv7yFNn5MQG7w4/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/0FV03b5c_DHmphv7yFNn5MQG7w4/1/di</img> This is the second day update to the 20 Day 20 SEO Tips series. Weve already discussed Link Building Tips, today lets talk about Image Optimization. Without further adieu, here we go! 1. Place the image in such a way that the text surrounds it well. This is by far better than keeping the [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social…

  2. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/qM5klZ6uKD9v4p6d07b058wDrzM/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/qM5klZ6uKD9v4p6d07b058wDrzM/1/di</img> This is the first post in the Learn S.E.O in 20 Days series, where every day 20 topics on SEO will be discussed in a capsule format with 20 aggressive tips in each topic. 20 Points, 20 Topics, 20 Days To be an SEO Expert. Link building is essential to all, both small and [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking soft…

  3. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/LDztTjnwmBIrT9jdE30eFDcbWVo/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/LDztTjnwmBIrT9jdE30eFDcbWVo/1/di</img> Starting today, well go for a 20 Day to being an SEO Expert course, titled 20 Points, 20 Topics, 20 Days To be an SEO Expert. For the next 20 days, each day well discuss and share a particular topic on SEO with twenty practical aggressive SEO action points. So every day a new [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking…

  4. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RI1LW5lGXR_0X2UZebkbemTJbR0/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RI1LW5lGXR_0X2UZebkbemTJbR0/1/di</img> In Googles announcement about its WiFi data policies, it was revealed that the search giant uses public Wi-Fi data to pinpoint mobile users location, together with GPS and cell tower data. This new policy is a response to criticism and Europes legal inquiries over the companys Wi-Fi data collection particularly by its Street View [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of ta…

  5. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/UoBwNDCmSUmpj9kOQMJP7HjIOlk/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/UoBwNDCmSUmpj9kOQMJP7HjIOlk/1/di</img> So you have a WordPress blog and you need an iPhone app. But you dont have the budget to outsource someone to build an actual iPhone app. Okay, theres a way out. How to create an iPhone application free? Now you can create an iPhone application free from your blog, yes free as in beer. [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bo…

  6. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RDqLyB_55tOEqOPbKi5FqPKFhkQ/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RDqLyB_55tOEqOPbKi5FqPKFhkQ/1/di</img> Google what? Baraza? Sounds like a coffee joint. Well, for those who didnt know Google baraza is something like Yahoo Answers, but in a more simplified form. Its unfortunately one of those not-any-more-cool products from Google that might just be flushed down the toilet one fine morning. In my opinion its a nice tool that [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted li…

  7. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/pwXjom95ZG4QdvhHIEuyhLmZAM4/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/pwXjom95ZG4QdvhHIEuyhLmZAM4/1/di</img> This is one question that everyone is asking SEOs these days. And it frustrates me. Launched in March, the Google+ button has become more like a tool to directly get votes on your Google listings and probably push it up the SERPs. This trend started with Googles comments on Google+ button some time back, when [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it n…

  8. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/mQ6d-7Nz5QUkEqRVA8CM-Vj81gk/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/mQ6d-7Nz5QUkEqRVA8CM-Vj81gk/1/di</img> Sometimes the obvious things are difficult to understand, isnt it? Well, what if you wanted to find out the top keywords for which a website is ranking high on Google. Unless you have the Google Analytics access to that website you wouldnt be able to find the right keywords. Not any more. SEM Rush is [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Auto…

  9. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_P9SYvFfP7JUIuUh0-XqvsubWOA/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_P9SYvFfP7JUIuUh0-XqvsubWOA/1/di</img> How many times have you wished that Google search results were editable? Well, I wished for it mostly when I find spam non-related sites popping up on Google every time when I search. How I wished I could remove that site from the search results! Not until now. There is a nifty Firefox plugin that [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automat…

  10. Started by SEO News,

    http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/zn2FHpY46GB_69sU4OMlRs1xGKs/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/zn2FHpY46GB_69sU4OMlRs1xGKs/1/di</img> Okay, this might go straight to the list of cool things that could happen on a Mac. a MacBook Air keyboard with white keys to show off a cute smiley! When it comes to coolness, nobody beats a Mac! Any idea how to get it done? Replace some keys may be? Directory Submission Software - [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookm…

  11. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/0reO980rnRUIMyIJJjtD1-gCLs4/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/0reO980rnRUIMyIJJjtD1-gCLs4/1/di</img> Looks like, after Google Plus, the next big thing getting ready at the Google stable is (if Kara Swisher is right), Google Propeller. Yesterday when Robert Scoble posted about it on Google Plus, little did the world know that it was big. But when Kara posted more details, we knew this was going to be [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Auto…

  12. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/XiU_WtTtTjTVOdC6QmMNe9haTXA/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/XiU_WtTtTjTVOdC6QmMNe9haTXA/1/di</img> Google Plus is sure getting everybodys attention for the wrong reasons. This time for Google founder, Larry Page. Network World has reported that, its been almost a month now that Larry Page has updated his Google Plus profile. If Larry isnt that very excited with Google Plus, then it isnt a surprise that we all [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get i…

  13. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/uB5Qd_2PIg2MIu9-etQJxm8QUP8/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/uB5Qd_2PIg2MIu9-etQJxm8QUP8/1/di</img> This may either be a hoax or a new update from Google. Looks like many people have spotted a new URL on the Google homepage. The new URL appears to be secure and encrypted as in https://encrypted.google.com Although this doesnt seem to be a universal change so far and many people are still getting the [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Aut…

  14. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/h6yUtZ15lL5wIQ2GcdD4SpZv02o/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/h6yUtZ15lL5wIQ2GcdD4SpZv02o/1/di</img> At a time when Androids are reigning the market, this may not come as a utility but there are people out there who might still find it useful to sync their phone and Google calendar. This is for them. GCalSync is an open source application that lets you do a two-way synchronization between Google Calendar [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. …

  15. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/9hBIaFed5YobC5-bdEwPjnA0UDU/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/9hBIaFed5YobC5-bdEwPjnA0UDU/1/di</img> India is an amazing market for online marketing services. Youll find the best SEOs, designers and a host of such web based service providers in the narrow streets of India. It wouldnt be even close to exaggeration if I told that todays Internet savvy youth of India, forms a good part of economic empowerment and [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it…

  16. Started by SEO News,

    http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/r2eTBBnWckOLzoGcmNsFtYgJilI/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/r2eTBBnWckOLzoGcmNsFtYgJilI/1/di</img> Whenever the numbers roll in, youre taken by surprise. Thats the interesting thing about social media. This time around too, the numbers are startling. Check these out. 49% of Twitter users rarely login Facebooks crazy 63.46% market share 1 in 4 Americans watch a YouTube video every single day 53% of employees research potential job [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of …

  17. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/nSVSMXpEWPpjJGN68NxI-FCtYgA/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/nSVSMXpEWPpjJGN68NxI-FCtYgA/1/di</img> The Google we know searches anything and everything under the sun, known and sometimes even unknown to mankind. Is there anything Google wont search? Yes. No it isnt the typical is their life on mars question. It is a nice little search string. It is ${ Yep, you read it right. Search for ${ without [...]Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automa…

  18. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/DzF5zGTNGX7cuchYN-Xo0kBqVG4/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/DzF5zGTNGX7cuchYN-Xo0kBqVG4/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  19. Started by SEO News,

    http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/vY_m7zAd1ih_LHWMmfNqvD7L5YA/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/vY_m7zAd1ih_LHWMmfNqvD7L5YA/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  20. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/NhYCkDRsHs2-foJhNifP9ImDf0E/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/NhYCkDRsHs2-foJhNifP9ImDf0E/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  21. Started by SEO News,

    http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/mask-aff-links.jpg How to mask affiliate links is one of the most common questions new affiliates often ask. In this post, we will take a look at the hows and whys of why you should mask affiliate links and how to do it effectively, with an eye towards maintaining long term low maintenance. Should I Mask My Affiliate Links This is one of the first questions people who start adding affiliate links have to deal with. As with most things in internet marketing, it depends. If the website is primarily a hobby website, not a money making or a business site, then the answer is no, you don’t need to mask affiliate links. Howev…

  22. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/j0nB_zR7KntkhfIayidjb69qxxE/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/j0nB_zR7KntkhfIayidjb69qxxE/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  23. Started by SEO News,

    http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/XQ58-Ge_SpWLurdy5J4017Ad0es/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/XQ58-Ge_SpWLurdy5J4017Ad0es/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  24. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RQ5S5BfPmh5qu7juhHXa9GfC1jY/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/RQ5S5BfPmh5qu7juhHXa9GfC1jY/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…

  25. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/dgf_iymKwSleH0JFQYANdyqpOW8/0/di</img><br/>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/dgf_iymKwSleH0JFQYANdyqpOW8/1/di</img> Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking software - Get higher Page Ranks by bookmarking to more than 350 social bookmarking websites in one go! Get it now. Get thousands of followers on Twitter in 24 hours - Get more than one thousand targeted friends and followers on Twitter with this magic software. Make money from b…