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796 topics in this forum
- In the early days of newspapers, success and advertising wasmeasuredby total circulation. The ability to measure how many people were reading just the business section, lifestyle section, or sports section didn’t exist. As more consumers switch their news reading habits to online consumption, our ability to track which section and pages are being read has improved. However, this enhanced tracking has a dark side: the rise of page view journalism. Simply put, page view journalism is the deliberate creation of stories that are designed to increase page views. It often results in an increase of low quali…
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- If you have a website that’s been around for a few years and you’re looking for ways to make some improvements, one of the tactics Irecommend is doing a content audit. When you do a content audit you have a few goals in mind: Get rid of any low quality or unimportant pagesLook for pages or sections that can be improved or updatedImprove your rankings by more effectively using your link equity, internal anchor text, and interlinking your content Get the Data your inbound link equity can only support a certain number of pages …The first thing you need to do is to get an understanding of where your web…
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-</img></img> When it comes to SEO and WordPress, there is very little that people know about, other than Meta info and Page Titles. Ive seen many folks argue that WordPress is by default SEO friendly and there is no further optimization required. Little do these people know that SEO is not about meta tags and page titles alone. Here are a list of plugins that will do more than your regular SEO job. The Best SEO WordPress Plugins Here is the entire list of SEO Plugins for WordPress along with their use, possible proble…
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- One of the problems that website owners and bloggers encounter on a regular basis is coming up with ideas for posts. One of the tactics that I like to employ is creating a regular ongoing post series. So let’s tackle the big questions first: what’s an example of post series? How about “Sandwich Mondays” from NPR. The basic premise is every monday they publish a post about sandwhiches. Sometimes these are reviews as in the case of the Denny’s Fried Cheese post. Sometimes there’s a travel/tourism theme as in the case of the Pop Tarts Restaurant in Times Square. Other times it could be a flashback pop-culture…
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- One of the questions that often comes up is does Google hate affiliate websites, and are they penalized in thealgorithm? I’m also quite sure Google has an idea at what point, whether by percentage or by total number of links, that a site becomes an affiliate website …The answer to that is slightly nuanced but, for simplicity’s sake, they don’t hate affiliate websites. Nor have I seen any evidence that shows affiliate sites are penalized. What Google does hate is thin affiliate websites with little or no trust. However, a better question to ask is can Google detect affiliate websites, and can they make it har…
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-</img></img> There’s a recent Twitter security hack doing the rounds on the internet where certain tweets, that contain only links are being sent around, which are links that exploits the “On mouse Over” security loophole on Twitter. When you click/on mouse over these links, third party websites pop up in your browser. One of the victims of this latest attack is Sarah Brown, wife of the British Prime Minister, according to this website. …
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-</img></img> Hossein Derakshan is called the father of Persian blogging by journalists. And a rightful title that is, as he’s the pioneer in popularizing the concept of blogging and podcasting in Iran for last 9 years now. But now, the man who advocated “free speech” and blogging is in jail facing possibility of death penalty for reasons that others like us around the world might find a little “unfair” and surprising. started blogging in 2001, in t…
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-</img></img> Okay, let me put it short and sweet. Flipboard is the revolutionary app that sits on every iPad. Its a beautiful app with a different perspective and an effective way of presenting the otherwise confusing, over-sized, disorganized data from your social channels. It picks up your social media networks and presents the news and links shared by your friends in a “readable” format. Well, you knew that already. But one feature that’s missing in Flipboard is the ability to import Google Reader feeds directly. A…
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-</img></img> YouTube has once again proved to be one of the most successful platforms providing the most engaging user experiences on Social Media. Weve seen it lately with the Expendables promotions and the Nintendo Wii virals earlier, but Tipp Ex, a correction fluid brand has embraced YouTube as its major marketing tool on social media and I must say really pulled it off very well. The viral video is actually a series of videos but starts with the one shown below which is titled Man shoots bear, where a hunter is seen…
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-</img></img> If you own an iPad, youd probably find yourself searching for new apps everyday this is just routine now, and you probably realized it. And RSS News readers are like browsers for your PC on an iPad. Well, if you havent tried Slide Reader yet, youre in for a surprise a good one that is ! Speed Power Beauty thats a combination you cant resist and Slide Reader got it in the right mix. Thats what makes it stands out from the rest of the league. There are many RSS Newsreaders out there for the iPad and most …
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-</img></img> Facebook probably is not going to do a redesign anytime soon, but that is not stopping designers from coming up with custom facebook concept designs and other graphic elements. Here are some interesting facebook inspired custom concepts. 1. Facebook Login Page Custom Design Download 2. Facebook Profile Page Custom Design Download 3. Glossy Facebook Icon Set…
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-</img></img> If youre the type who believes Facebook is a time waster youre in for a big surprise ! Facebook is an effective marketing tool to many. With Facebook Ads and Facebook Pages, theres a lot you can do harnessing the power of social media. I particularly like the Advertising options of Facebook. You can target your Ads on very specific niches like Males in NY whore interested in Painting theres no other network that will give you this precise targeting for your ads on social media, not even Google Ads. htt…
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- When I was first starting in Internet marketing, one of the first books I read was Permissive Marketing by Seth Godin. The point of this book was that customers who give you permission to market to them are more valuable than those you have to interrupt, and you shouldn’t abuse that trust. One of the second lessons came from adsense, which showed how ads that were integrated into the copy always performed better than those placed outside of the copy. While this is something I integrate into my projects, there are a lot of media companies that don’t. For example, here is a screen shot of the New York Times …
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-</img></img> A Newspaper in Egypt has done something extravagantly stupid that its giving them more attention worldwide than ever before but for the wrong reasons that is. Reporting the Washington Middle East peace meeting, Al- Ahram, a Newspaper in Egypt published a photo showing the gentlemen walking across red carpet with the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak leading US president Barack Obama, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Jordanian monarch Abdullah II following h…
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-</img></img> Time-lapse photography is a cinematography technique whereby each film frame is captured at a rate much slower than it will be played back. When replayed at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of high speed photography. You like photography or not, Time Lapse videos will make you go wow, every single time ! Its amazing when photogs go to extremes picking up those rare views, and put them into time lapses to get …
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- If your business targets consumers, do you already have a Facebook fan page? If not, why? With more than 350 million active Facebook users, it is time to embrace social media and let it help grow your business. Not only is Facebook a great place to expose yourself to thousands of new customers, but Google is now using content from social media sites in their search results. Once you have created a fan page, there are a few things you can do to ensure you get the most out of it. Here are some tips and guidelines to use. 1. Entice people to become a fan Once you have a fan page, how do you get people to b…
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- The Shallows by Nicholas Carr proposes the following: that the Internet and all of the its shallow content is actually rewiring our brains and how we process information. the problem also lies with a lot of authors, especially the wordy ones…I’ll be completely honest–of all the books I read this summer, this was the one I least looked forward to reading and the one I most disagreed with. That said, it’s also the book I learned the most from. The premise of this book is that the Internet is actually changing our brains. One of the things I learned is that our brains have the ability to “rewire” themselves. Ba…
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- A few weeks ago, I twittered about the demise of my Roku Soundbridge music player, and how I was now having to deal with using an old iPod to play my music. The folks on the Sonos twitter account happened to see my situation and agreed to send me two Sonos ZP120′s to review. To be honest, I have heard of the Sonos system before. I hadn’t reallyinvestigatedit because it looked too complex to set up, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The whole process was actually incredibly easy. Here’s a picture of the ZP120 in my kitchen. You can see the defunct Soundbridge and the iPod hooked up …
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- Earlier this week Google launched the latestiterationof the SERP’s, Google Instant. While I, like everyone else, had fun playing and finding some of the holes in it, it’s really not a product that I think will succeed. To Google’s credit, I can’t ever say that I’ve heard people complain that Google takes too long to serve them results. What I do hear and personally experience is that I wish Google understood what I was looking for … Google didn’t learn that all this complexity isn’t what people want from the failed Google wave and Sidewiki experiments …I understand why Google launched a product like Goog…
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-</img></img> Clearly, Twitter is undoubtedly the topper when it comes to Social Media Marketing tools. Out of all the tools we use today for social media marketing, Twitter tools are the most versatile and obviously most sought after. One of the good feature about Twitter is that more than one person can use it at the same time. Multiple account tweeting is a reality today with big corporations or just about anyone with a peer team manages one single Twitter account collaboratively. Who does group tweeting and why ? C…
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- While I may be on the leading edge of consumption trends (translation: I’m a spoiled geek who likes new shiny gadgets), I think it’s important to understand how things work and how they might look to the public at large in a few years. RSS While I admit rss is not a technology that is ever going to be adopted by the mainstream (see the big fat rss lie), it’s still something I use almost daily. For my projects, client projects, and search related industry news (and the occasional bit of humor), I use Google reader. I skim through the the posts first thing in the morning. Unless it’s urgent, I send it off to…
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-</img></img> Before we jump into conclusions, take a look at the search result. A simple search for “Google Instant” would not show up anything about Google Instant at all. Google Instant is super fast and it takes the search experience to another level, and I agree to what Marissa Meyer said Google Instant is a New shift in Search. But I sincerely wish if they did something similar to the search results in improving them. The reality i…
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-</img></img> Google is planning something cool for sure, or thats what were able to learn from all the doodle stories. With Googles birthday round the corner, techies expect a nice surprise, (especially with that never before changing color doodle thing). TNW has published this new Google tool that is ridiculously fast and probably gives a peep into whats going to come up. Check it here. Its a tool that displays search lightening fast as you ty…
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- This post is part of a series on How to Silo Your Website. The other parts in the series are: How to Silo Your Website: The Masthead, How to Silo Your Website, The Breadcrumb , How to Silo Your Website: The Content, and How to Silo Your Website: The Sidebar. For this last part, we’ll be looking at the footer. Another strategy I’ve seen used that often has good results is the dynamic footer …Ah…the website footer. Aside from meta keywords and descriptions, it’s hard to think of an area that’s been more abused. A common spot for selling run of site links, turning into a link brothel (looks in the direction…
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-</img></img> The interesting thing about memes are that they hit a huge spike on the popularity charts and before even realizing what they were, they vanish. But thats the fun part of it. The sad part is that not all the time can you find where it all started. The latest memes and viral concepts on the internet this week are here. 1. Leonardo Di Caprio Happy Strut This meme involves a picture of Leonardo Di Caprio, walking in a happy mood, with something disastrous happening in the background. There are several ima…
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