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796 topics in this forum
-</img></img> On the internet, there is plenty of information floating around. Anything under the sun is on the internet. Webmaster and SEO related stuff is probably the most written about, talked and discussed topics among other on the internet. However, when youre searching for information related to your context, things get a bit too generic. Information on the internet is way too generic to meet specific niche demands. Jason Lavin, figured this out already, and put up a program in place for business owners who want to…
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-</img></img> So you have a fan page for your website/product and there are several people who like it. And you have this event to which you want to invite them to. Assuming your supporters are from around the world, it might be irrelevant to send an email to everyone in the list. Because all of them are not in one location. So how do you send an email to everyone in your Facebook page ? This is fairly simple. 1 – Go to your facebook fan page, click on Edit button right below your avatar. http://www.dailybloggr.…
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-</img></img> What are Google Instream Video Ads ? InVideo advertising is a distribution method for any ad format where the ad is shown within the physical screen space of a video stream: in the video. A video stream is a media content object embedded into a webpage that plays a content provider’s video. InVideo ads may appear in multiple formats, but all of them appear before, during, or after a live streaming video within the same screen space as the video stream itself. These ads are not the major content object on …
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-</img></img> This is probably a clear signal that there is no more space for another social networking site on the internet unless you do it the niche way. Another Web 2.0 league social networking/blogging platform VOX from Six Apart is no more after Sep 15th. While the reasons are not explained, its obvious that they probably realized its a failed product. In an email send to users, VOX said – Vox has been a fun place to explore, create and connect…
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-</img></img> A U.S. patent detailing a cost per action (CPA) revenue model for search engines goes on the auction block in November. For those who can’t wait, AnchorFree Founder David Gorodyansky has put a $2 million ‘buy it now’ price tag on the deal. The patent describes a pricing model that charges search advertisers based on a CPA model rather than cost-per-click (CPC). It also covers giving ad fees back to the person searching on an engine. These d…
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- The following post is part of a series on How to Silo Your Website. You should review, How to Silo Your Website the Masthead, How to Silo Your Website the Breadcrumb, How to Silo Your Website the Content. For this part, we’ll be taking a look at the sidebar. You want to keep the sidebar content dynamic …IMHO the sidebar is the second most abused and misused part of a website (the footer is the most abused which we’ll talk about in a later article). The sidebar is so abused because people stick too much third party content, widgets, social blocks, and simply too many links. In the past year I have worked on…
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-</img></img> Remember those cute iPhone 4 Ads ? Well, someones just come up with their spoofs. Need I say more ? Check them out. 1. Baby 2. Smile 3. Sugar Daddy You can watch the series here with Manacus TV Join Dailybloggr Community on FacebookApple iPhone 4 Ad Spoofs hit the Internet (And they’re damn funny) was posted at by Mani Karthik. Related posts: An iPhone SEO App to check your Google ranksGorgeous WordPress theme for iPhone Apps !The iPhone 4 v/s Android – Which is better ? http://…
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- A while ago I wrote my case study on how I listened to Google and failed. The post got a lot of attention from the SEO community. Many people wondered whether natural link building was really dead and what was the future of building natural links. I’ll try to answer some of those questions in this post. The statements below are a mix of my opinion/my personal observations. 1. Is There a Universal Definition of ‘Natural Link Building’? There’s one thing I’ve learned from some of the reactions of my previous post: Not all people hav…
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-</img></img> Looks like Apple is all set to launch its all new social networking site this month Game Center. Although this is nothing like facebook, it will be focused on a good chunk of users, especially gamers and iPod Touch users. Its however on a completely different league, and nothing to be worried about for facebook or other social networking sites. The basic features of Apple social network might include the ability to invite friends to play a game against you, have the servers automatically match you with othe…
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- One of the problems I encounter on large client websites–or with clients who constantly add or update existing content–is getting this content into the index as quickly as possible. One of the tactics I recommend is using the homepage. When I talk about adding dynamic content I mean in the main content section …I can think of only three or four websites I have ever worked on where the homepage wasn’t the most frequently crawled page on the entire website (the outlier cases were viral microsites, in case you were wondering). So your best strategy is to use this frequent crawling to spoon feed links to th…
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- I’d like to say thanks to the people who sponsored the blog this month, without them there wouldn’t be regular posts here. Text Link Ads – New customers can get $100 in free text links. – Supplement your analytics with action information from click tracking heat maps. – Get a premier listing in the internet’s oldest directory. Regional Directory – Check to see if your website is listed! Content Customs – Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week Interested in seeing your message here? There are ba…
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-</img></img> Without doubt, the Old Spice social media campaign is the most popular weve seen lately. But how successful was it ? The Old Spice Social media channels became the most viewed during the campaign time, but did it all reflect back on the brands sales ? Or was it just the branding and recall value that the company wanted ? If yes, did it manage to pull it off ? The answer to most of these questions are Yes. Check out this video that takes you through a quick snapshot of what the numbers are like for Old Spice …
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-</img></img> The biggest SEO conference in India, Search Summit, is happening at Tidel park, Chennai tomorrow (August 28th – 29th). Organized by the Knowledge Foundation, the event boasts of sessions from thought leaders from the search industry including Mahesh Murthy ( and Rajiv Dingra ( Here is the full Sessions list Search Summit is the conference for SEOs in India, and a must join for anyone loo…
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- This is a post that may anger you and piss you off, but hopefully it makes you think a little. But I think a lot of the people in the SEO community are short sighted and are willing to sacrifice themselves and the community as whole if they see the chance to get a link or exposure. Much like the scorpion in the tale of the frog and the scorpion, they can’t help themselves even when it means their own self destruction. I’ve been in this field for a log time. I’ve seen a lot things and gotten a lot of help from people who came before me, and I appreciate the value they contributed in teaching me a trade that…
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-</img></img> Its hard times for hard core diggers out there. Things are changing, and in a big way. Today when the new digg goes live, thousands of hard core diggers will make a crucial decision. To stay with Digg or not. But many beta testers had tasted the new Digg already. And this included many top diggers who declared that the new digg is radically new. Well, what was the old digg ? The old digg was more democratic, w…
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- Are you familiar with the following concept? It is much easier and more cost effective to sell to existing customers than it is to acquirer a new one. Which one would you rather have? Sell 50 items to 5 people or 50 items to 50 people. When you are designing and tweaking your marketing campaigns, be sure to include your current customer base and maximum their profit potential. Here are several ways to do just that, give your customers a reason to come back for more. Special Discount Offers I recently purchased something from an online retailer. When I received my package, I noticed there was a …
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- The following is part of the series How To Silo Your Website. Be sure you have read parts one and two: How To Silo Your Website: The Masthead and How to Silo Your Website: The Breeadcrumb. In this part, we will be taking a look at the content area. This isn’t so much about conserving pagerank or link equity, but more about funneling it where you want it to go …When I talk about the content, I mean the part of your website template where the information is. At the time of the writing of this post it is my belief (and the belief of many others) that links in this area are weighted differently than links in …
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-</img></img> Social Media have revolutionized our lives in many ways, directly and indirectly. The latest trend wave to hit the social sphere is job search ! No, am not talking about Linked In (which as you rightly guessed, is boring!) but a new kid on the block that uses the full potential of social media to build you a resume and help you in job search ! Its called Talentag and this is what it does. You can sign in with your facebook, Linked In, Twitter or Google IDs and start creating your resume. Everything wor…
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-</img></img> What are the SEO strategies, if at all, followed by popular blogs ? Do they give importance to SEO ? If they do, are there anything to learn from it ? Is it different from the regular basic SEO ? Lets find out if we have answers for the questions above. Do popular blogs have to follow SEO in the first place ? One argument Ive repeatedly come across is that if your blog is popular, then you dont need to really work on the SEO part. Very…
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-</img></img> In the latest in India Pakistan cyber wars, a group claiming to be Urdu Hackers have hacked into the BSNL, Punjab official website, which is India Governments official Telecom services agency. Its a state-owned telecommunication enterprise in India. BSNL is the third largest cellular service provider, with over 66.88 million customers as of June 2010 and the largest land line telephone provider in India. The hackers who call themselves Urdu hackers claims to be from Pakistan (via Email). The private …
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-</img></img> In the last five-ten years, there has been a splurge of Torrent sites on the internet. Many promising ones came and left at the same pace, while some struggled with anti-piracy law suites. Some managed to fight along while getting popular with the masses, and those are the ones whove actually managed to thrive. Torrent Freak has come out with a list of the most popular torrent sites of the last five years that has managed to survive the fights. 1. The Pirate Bay…
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- One of the mistakes I feel many people make is that they write articles or posts chasing very broad topics. IMHO it’s much better to write narrowly focused posts, pages, or articles and tie it together later on. This is a concept I call head and tail content that I touched on in my How I Manage a WordPress Website. In my experience converting long tail phrases is easier, especially if they answer a question or solve a problem …So what is an example of content that IMHO is too broad? Something like “how to plan a Disney World Vacation.” While this is a good topic for a an article it’s far too broad for you to…
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-</img></img> Business cards to many of us means plain white boring cards that you would throw out after the meeting. But business cards are an art in itself. Here are 36 such examples of amazingly creative business cards that has used the color factor to their advantage. Forget throwing, you might want to hang some of them on the wall. 1. The Easel Business Card 2. A Splash of milk…
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- In my first post on hotel SEO, I explained how big hotels with conference facilities have an advantage over small hotels. But small hotels need not despair, because they have ample link building opportunities too. In the interest of keeping things short, here are some link sources I’ve seen in the hotel SEO scene, which sources are accessible to small hotels. I’m [mostly] skipping the commentary. 1. Local universities and colleges – If out of town students have friends or family helping them move in to dorms, where do those friends or family stay? Local hotels that are affordably-priced, naturally. Not…
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-</img></img> Twitter announced today that theyre launching Twitter Tales, and effort to highlight stories from users about how Twitter influenced them in their lives. A great effort to clean up Twitters shadowy image of spam that has grown in mentions recently, Twitter tales will be a series of stories where regular Twitter…
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