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  1. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/rrq5CEg3gwiC8nF0twLh957QwGk/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/rrq5CEg3gwiC8nF0twLh957QwGk/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fhow-not-to-use-twitter-learn-it-from-twitter-employees%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly I wouldnt expect Twitter employees to spend a lot of time on Twitter, of course theyre busy with the servers and codes. But if someone ever asks me how not to use Twitter, Ill point them to my Twitter employees list, without any doubt. http://www.dailybloggr.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/0…

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  2. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GTev4HxOKKmXB1_RwmgixSVAo44/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/GTev4HxOKKmXB1_RwmgixSVAo44/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fsocialmedia-government-the-open-government-project-potential%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Social Media is going places and today as we speak, your government is probably thinking about incorporating Social Media into its governance policies and execution. When I first heard this topic, it sounded a bit awkward to me. Because Social Media always resonated with fun, while Go…

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  3. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/57s1CH4KQ102XlvCxmS3FstW1D4/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/57s1CH4KQ102XlvCxmS3FstW1D4/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Ftop-30-influential-bloggers-on-twitter%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Bloggers are the most loved and the most hated group on social media. People love them for their valuable information, while companies (some uncool ones obviously!) look at them with raised eye brows. However, bloggers are the most powerful community out there that can make or break a product. Weve seen…

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  4. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/get-reviews.jpg While UGC and Reviews can often be a mixed blessing, as long as Google continues to reward rich snippets with enhanced visual listings, it’s probably a good idea to try to make reviews part of your website strategy.For those of you who haven’t seen rich snippets and reviews in action, here’s a sample of what they currently look like http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/webmasters_99170_rsreview-300x46.png To qualify for this program you have to have reviews, format your data using microformats, and submit your website for inclusion in the rich snippet program. While it may change in the future, cu…

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  5. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/distinction.jpg The following is a sponsored post. For this post were going to be talking with Steven Wyer of Reputation Advocate.Steve, for my readers who arent familiar with your firm, can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Reputation Advocate started in 2006 and is based just outside of Nashville, Tennessee in Williamson County. I have a deep history in media, marketing and software development and came to ORM out of a personal need. I was involved in protracted litigation and my own search results didnt reflect the complete reality of the situation. At that time, there were very few options that addressed the …

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  6. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/no-left-turn.jpg “Paid links from off topic sites get devalued and flagged.” A common claim by otherwise savvy SEOs such as Ross Hudgens. Ross, would you take three links from the Wall Street Journal if its reporters write about internet marketing? Would you buy those links? I would. Both for the direct traffic (duh) and the SEO boost (duh). The page is relevant, the readers are interested in the field… what more do you want? Guys like Ross seem to think that if a site isn’t on your topic, then you don’t get any value. The reasoning is that their site is irrelevant, so the links are bogus. That’s obviousl…

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  7. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/aDHOWukBX8C60ZwHhlBl4OYfKvU/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/aDHOWukBX8C60ZwHhlBl4OYfKvU/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fhow-to-sell-social-media-strategies-for-agencies-professionals%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly OK, before we start, lets take a look from a birds eye perspective. Social Media is still considered as an experiment – by many. Its not glorious as we might think it is from a sales perspective. Sometimes, people push it off as a fad because they dont see the value in it. Not every…

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  8. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/ipad-presentation.jpg As I continue to be amazed at the way people are making use of their iPad, it occurred to me that the potential far outweighs the limitations. For example, lets say you have a presentation or speaking engagement coming up at one of the search conferences. You now have a choice: bring your heavy laptop or bring your lightweight and ultra-portable iPad. Not sure what to do? Here are some ways you can use your iPad at your next speaking gig, and then you can decide the best device to take. Getting Your Presentation Organized There are some great tools you can use on the iPad to help you organize your sp…

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  9. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/abl8JI3LDej6vKNRO37z4BwoI7k/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/abl8JI3LDej6vKNRO37z4BwoI7k/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fa-new-advanced-search-engine-for-seos%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Well, the founders think that others might like the tool too, and it will go popular beyond SEOs. But from what weve seen, advanced users like SEOs are going to love this search engine ! Which one you ask Blekko, the new kid on the block ! I dont think Blekko is the best name they could find but thats o…

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  10. Started by SEO News,

    http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/glass-writeboard.jpg About a month ago I went to a client meeting where they had a glass whiteboard in the conference room. This was the first one I had ever seen and I remarked how cool it was. The folks at Clarus GlassBoards were monitoring for keywords on twitter, and reached out to me about sending a sample for review purposes. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/photo-20-225x300.jpg Glass Whiteboard from Clarus Now if you’ve never seen a glass whiteboard it’s a pretty substantial item, a lot more sturdy and durable than your ordinary dry erase board. Basically it’s a marker board made from tempered safe…

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  11. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/lrbD2ex-Ykk0Vh1-_waB8tgKtaY/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/lrbD2ex-Ykk0Vh1-_waB8tgKtaY/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fgorgeous-wordpress-theme-for-iphone-apps%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Just love this theme, absolutely what a beauty ! Elegant Themes have released yet another WordPress theme thats just supremely gorgeous to any other iPhone related theme Ive seen lately. Well, this ones a WordPress theme for those whod like to sell their iPhone apps via their website. Kind of like a s…

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  12. Started by SEO News,

    http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/advertising-usability.jpg As the web matures and begins to displace, replace, or work with established news, information, andentertainmentsources, the advertising that pays for this content to get created is going to change as well. When you combine this with the growth of smart phones like the blackberry, android, and iphone and appliances like the ipad, advertising will soon be faced with new obstacles.… Publishers need to adapt and overcome … and they need to do it quickly if they plan to survive …The problems advertising faces are coming from multiple fronts. First, carriers are abandoning the unlimited, all you can eat b…

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  13. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/z93yUBBdSZlmXlOZzOWtLTOpbVY/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/z93yUBBdSZlmXlOZzOWtLTOpbVY/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fbrands-social-media-top-10-viral-videos-of-the-season%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Viral videos are the craze. Recently, theres been a lot of them popping up, and quite honestly not all are impressive. Some are clearly promotional in nature, while some are purely accidental truly viral in nature. Interestingly many of them are promoted by brands that are interested in soc…

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  14. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/VMFd1iR1qSGSlEC5WX3Ec_Cay8s/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/VMFd1iR1qSGSlEC5WX3Ec_Cay8s/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Ftips-to-use-googles-keyword-research-tool-effectively%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly One of the most popular tools used by SEOs in Keyword Rsearch is undoubtedly the Google AdWords tool. There are many other tools available, like WordTracker, Yahoos KW research tool etc, but Googles is most reliable as SEOs consider Googles data more accurate. Oh! Wait, if you dont know w…

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  15. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/4m51nTGf5owBSbTLQ7tvtBxXjVQ/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/4m51nTGf5owBSbTLQ7tvtBxXjVQ/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fnow-edit-pictures-online-right-from-picasa-web-albums%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Picasa marries Picnik. Though most of us are on Flickr, Picasa still remains the preferred image sharing tool for most of the Google lovers. And now, Picasa lets you edit pictures right from your web albums via Picnik the popular online image editing tool. There are no feature improvemen…

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  16. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/focus-your-keywords.jpg One of the things I often say that most bloggers get wrong is they sacrifice keyword focus for being clever, cute, or entertaining. Yes, it is important that you make your blog posts as interesting as possible; but you should never ignore the opportunity to tie into commercial concepts. Since I often get criticized for telling you what you do wrong but not how to do it right, here are some examples about how to write interesting blog posts that are more keyword focused.First out of the gate is an article from the New York Times about how to get an artificial tan without looking like Snooki from the Jer…

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  17. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/personalized-news.jpg For a moment, I’d like you to think back to high school. Remember how there was always that one kid who would raise their hand and ask the question “Will that be on the test?” Now, thanks to Personalized Google News, we have the answer. … If Google News was limitingthe news sources I read I never would have seen that article or had that idea …Last week Google announced they will be bringing personalization to Google news. I have no love of Google’s personalized search, but I understand that Google thinks it gives them a POD (see point of differentiation). The problem with this personalization is that …

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  18. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/smnUurErL6EUWi0cJrcPaKhmx0M/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/smnUurErL6EUWi0cJrcPaKhmx0M/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fwho-are-the-most-influential-people-on-social-media%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Wait, first who do you think is an influential guy ? If my guess is right, most people think that the person with the most number of followers is. Technically, I cant disagree. Obviously the more you have the merrier. But study shows that the number game isnt really what it is. Its bey…

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  19. http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/privacy-loss.jpg Anyone over the age of 30 who spends any amount of time online has to be aware of the gradual erosion of online privacy and how we are slowly moving to a point where our online life has become opted-in by default. … sacrifice your privacy on the altar faster than an Aztec Priest could ever rip out your still-beating heart … A disturbing trend among people in the valley and other technology centric locations is the subjugation or near-complete surrender of one’s work, one’s copyright, intellectual property, and sometimes complete self to the great computer singularity (a concept I am shamelessly stealing fr…

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  20. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/S1Xg3HRguOyx_xKvPbQr5Zc9Vmc/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/S1Xg3HRguOyx_xKvPbQr5Zc9Vmc/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fhow-does-google-search-work%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Ive written plenty of articles on this blog that goes through the length and breadth of Google search algorithms and the process. Today, I see this infographic and thought this is more like it. This explains visually how a google search works. Infographics #ftw ! http://www.dailybloggr.com/wp-content/uploads/2010…

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  21. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/jYRAsPXWy9Uf3W6rR2QidWnoTSc/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/jYRAsPXWy9Uf3W6rR2QidWnoTSc/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fex-employee-says-work-at-apple-is-all-about-corporate-red-tape-politics%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly Apples aura is so much large that its enough to blind us all – anti-apple and fan boys alike. We see Apple as the company thats set out to change the world. And quite honestly it does. With Steve Jobs as the captain Apple is without doubt one of those powerful companies tha…

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  22. Started by SEO News,

    http://www.wolf-howl.com/wp-content/uploads/buying-links-3rd-party.jpg Last week I was having a discussion on Twitter about whether or not some links were bought. Quite a few people were confused about how you can use link buying to your advantage when you buy links to a website you don’t own (aka a third party). I thought I’d do a little ed-ju-macating and share some tips and tricks. First off, standard link buying disclaimer: Buying links is against Google’s guidelines. If you engage in link buying, you may be subject to penalties up to and including complete removal from the index. The following post does not serve as an endorsement of link buying. It is for ente…

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  23. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/P29HGUgkfMjqdij8My5DvYKF6X0/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/P29HGUgkfMjqdij8My5DvYKF6X0/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fwhich-are-your-best-ipad-apps%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly No, I havent bought an iPad myself (but Flip has enough of them for testing purposes). One thing Ive noted with iPad owners is that once they meet another iPad user, the first thing they ask is what apps they use. And then on, there is a fight with words for domination. To prove that your iPad apps are better th…

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  24. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/oY75HnK7ySSuyly3kl5kxo0EsN4/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/oY75HnK7ySSuyly3kl5kxo0EsN4/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2F16-tips-for-being-everybodys-friend-on-social-media%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly I know exactly what youre thinking. Oh! No. Not another post on how to do it on social media. Well, good or bad is your call. But this is yet another post on social media. But this time, I dont want to make it short and crisp. No fluff just the real deal, out of my experience. Hope youll li…

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  25. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/ZAHXzMatEYXsoyIr3FQDdg9m6Rs/0/di</img>http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/ZAHXzMatEYXsoyIr3FQDdg9m6Rs/1/di</img> http://api.tweetmeme.com/imagebutton.gif?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybloggr.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fthe-most-popular-twitter-clients-in-the-world-infographic%2F&source=ManiKarthik&style=compact&service=bit.ly With the plethora of options to Tweet, its cut-throat competition in the Twitter clients section. Obviously not all the eye candies we see are popular. The best ones are those that has great functionalities integrated within them irrespective of whether they are eye candies or not. …

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