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796 topics in this forum
-</img></img> was and always is the leader when it comes to free video and voice chat on the internet. There are many alternatives out there but clearly Skype got its big pluses to make us all stick to it. I’ve been using Skype for so long that I haven’t really tried any alternatives, although I know that there are. Skype has been good with voice chat, video chat and even PayPal transfers. Very handy if you deal with freelancers more often. http://www…
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-</img></img> Social Media networks have always been a topic of heated discussion and speculation in the Middle East region for obvious reasons. Social Media gets a bit “too social” for the authorities here, and the latest to hit the news is this incident where a facebook user was “pretending” to be “Allah” (The God in Islam) and spread hate speech and false claims in the name of “Islam“. He had set up a page, posting quotes and verses from the Qur’an, which were supposedly offensive. Many people from the region complained …
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-</img></img> Its frustrating sometimes when you realize that there’s a lot you can do with Twitter but most of what you see in public are restricted to the common usages. Here’s where open source scripts come into play. Here are ten such interesting open source twitter scripts that will let you do all that (almost) you couldn’t do otherwise. 1. Witty – Open Source Windows Client Witty is a free, open source Twitter client for W…
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-</img></img> If you are the type who rely on Google Images when it comes to finding images on the internet, you’re on the wrong side. Honestly, Google Images is crap. There are better image search engines out there that does a far better job that Google. Don’t believe me ? Here is a comprehensive list of them, try them out yourself. 1. Alamy images Don’t let that Google style image search fool you. They’ve got the largest collection of stock images on the internet today (and you didn’t know right ?), 18.2 million to …
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-</img></img> First off, a confession. I feel guilty whenever I say the word “social media”. The only reason I repeat it is because because I know that people I talk to are pre-populated with the idea of social media. You are, right ? So am I but I’ve never felt comfortable using the word. In fact, I prefer something meaningful than social media. Something like “Friends Circle Media” or “My Group” or “Friend groups”. But that doesn’t sound “professional” does it ? See, thats the whole problem. “Social Media” is like one of t…
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-</img></img> With the new developments that happened on Dailybloggr recently, there’s one question that lingers – what would happen to the Google PageRank ? The old domain name had a PageRank of 4 (was once 5) with around 200 mapped backlinks. Now that the design changes are in place and the site structure has changed, would it affect the Google pagerank ? Technically, since we have a 301 redirect in place, the PageRank is supposed to be preserved, but there are no guarantees, there could be losses, if n…
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-</img></img> Looks like Digg is up for a major overhaul, one that will completely translate its image and reputation, hopefully to better heights. From what I’ve heard and seen, Digg is taking some real bold steps. Completely changing the game they played, reversing the table. Image courtesy – RWW As we all know, Digg was both famous and notorious. Famous for its “Digg Effect” and notorious for its “Non-democratic” ways of giving all the powers to top-diggers, wh…
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-</img></img> You know the funny thing about jerks ? Its that, not a single guy you ask to will admit that he’s anything close to being a jerk, but he can show you ten guys around him, who’s one. I’m no different. But the reality is that both you and me see a lot of them around, in real life mostly and on Twitter, even more frequently. The fact is that, while you and me agree that “that guy” is a jerk, he doesn’t understand. And this post might come to him as a surprise, if it does, I’m glad that it served the purpose. …
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-</img></img> Lately, there have been an increased number of usage of hashtags on Tweets. I do not have any number/statistics to support this, but we’ve all seen it, haven’t we ? Tweets with lot of hashtags, sometimes even inappropriate and irrelevant placed just to add more re-tweet value by bots. As more and more bots/apps use content syndication from hashtags, the more hashtags you use, the more the probablity for your tweet to get retweeted/syndicated. But does this reduce the overall quality of the tweet ? Does it lo…
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- Today’s post is another answer to a question–this time from Nathan Schubert, who wants to know what you should do with old links from directories and websites that still drive traffic if you’ve changed the content on your website.OK. First off, you never want to have links to your site removed, even if it’s from a really bad website. Truth be told, there are some things you need to watch out for, but (generally speaking) it’s really pretty hard for someone to screw you up by linking to you (I said hard–but not impossible). Assuming that’s not the case and you are getting a bunch of off-topic traffic, there are …
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-</img></img> Social Media and sports is a great combo, or so have history proven. The latest sensation in Indian sports – IPL is embracing social media this time and “it is big”. Watch IPL matches on YouTube live as it happens ! If you’re one of those who bought tickets to an IPL match then you might want to regret on it, because the entire IPL matches, highlights and live streaming is coming to your bedroom through YouTube this time.…
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-</img></img> I don’t like reading thick books. They scare me off. But I must admit that when it comes to knowledge and wisdom, you can’t just ignore the experts. Which is why I’ve been a fan of Dale Carnegie all my life, right from the school days. In fact, “How to win friends and influence people” is probably the only book I would’ve read completely without missing a page or a line. When it comes to social media, honestly, we’re all still new and are testing new waters here. We’ve been doing it all day, every hour but nobo…
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- Anyone who’s been involved in web development for any length of time has likely encountered the Developers VS Users situation. It’s a mistake that can often lead to expensive problems down the road. So what exactly is the problem? And how can you spot it–and solve it–before it derails you project and causes you to make a costly mistake? Here’s how… Most developers became developers because they want to work on and build cool stuff. Like everyone, they want to build things that gain the respect of their peers. This aspiration is where the problems get started. Unless you happen to develop for an ex…
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-</img></img> Found this nice piece of infographic that explains almost in detail everything about the social media channels, all in one comprehensive, brief picture. 10 social media channels are illustrated here including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Linked In, Digg, Stumble Upon, Yahoo Buzz, Reddit and Delicious, where the possibilities and non-possibilites with characteristics of each channel are explained. A must have for every social media enthusiast. Impressive stuff !…
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-</img></img> I’m not really comfy with this title honestly, but guess it conveys what its supposed to, right ?No ? Okay let me try and make things clear and possibly put things into perspective. Trending topics are a huge addiction on Twitter. Period. They’re like shots. You have one, and you want more, you can’t just stop at one. Okay, wrong example, but the thing is Trending topics can get you intoxicated. Trending topics are use…
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- When your blog or website becomes successful and starts to get traffic, if you don’t make direct sales yourself or commissions via affiliate traffic, you almost always look for other revenue streams. The most common revenue stream is CPM based advertising or something like adsense. However, once many publishers start down that path, they almost always end up chasing off topic traffic. Let’s look at two of the flagship websites of the technology space, Techcrunch and Mashable. This week, Techcrunch posted a story about how so many valley entrepenuers in the Valley are now having babies. I’ll take a quote from …
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-</img></img> So chances are that you’re either planning to get an Android (some cal it maturing from an iPhone/ Smartphone) or already have one like a few already out there, and you’re already into a set of social media stuff like Twitter, Facebook and blogging. SO would your migration from iPhone to Android smooth ? Looks like it will be better with the plethora of android apps that are coming out for social media addicts and bloggers. Here are a few of them that I found useful. 1. Twidgit – Twitter application for An…
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-</img></img> Are we running for too much customization these days ? Good old green-black-blue serps seems to be a thing of high-school now. Any ways there’s no stopping Google form customizing its search result pages. And this time, its introduced a brand new option, that which will enable you to bookmark websites that you like right from the result pages. It works something like this. You search for something on Google, and you like the 13th result. You just click the star seen right next to the listing and click it on…
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-</img></img> Tracking user behaviour on a site can be quite tricky, I agree. You get lot of questions instead of answers starting from what metrics to track and what tools to employ to how long to track a metric. Having said that, I should admit that heatmaps are fun to look at and a more easy way to make meaning of your analytics metrics. Here are ten such heatmap tools that will make analytics easy for you. 1. Codynamix Open Source Free Heatmap Tool…
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-</img></img> To a lot of people, finding out what their audience wants is a big deal. They’ll run tests, view heatmaps of their site, perform in person studies and at times, still not provide what their audience is really looking for. Despite me writing an article with some of these suggestions, I’m a big believer in the idea that most of the time, your audience doesn’t really know what they want. That is, until you give it to them. For that reason, I like to really focus on what I put out to the world, rather than what …
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-</img></img> If you have more number of followers (or contacts) on Google Buzz than Twitter then this post is not for you. However, if you have more Twitter followers then this post will tell you how you can import all of your Twitter followers to Google Buzz, for whatever reason that is. Google Buzz by default adds your Gmail contacts to your network, and here’s how you can expand it. There’s a cool new tool called Tw2Buzz that will…
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- I love competition. I compete against just about anyone, at just about anything. For the last few years, competitive webmastering has been my focus. I like to start a site in a small to medium sized niche, and outrank everyone. There are two niches that I hold the top 5 spots for, and it’s exciting. Let me give you a few secrets that you can implement right now to help you outrank your competition. 1. Do what they do. The first step is to try to get all of the links that your competition has. If they’re linked in Wikipedia, you should try to get linked. If they pay $299 for a Yahoo Directory link you …
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-</img></img> Almost one month after the release of Google Buzz, Google is now looking for your ideas on product improvement.Well, they have been doing this for almost all of their major products now, so don’t even dare think that they heard you bitching about it on Twitter, no. This is a standard procedure. There has been lot of comments over how better could Google Buzz be, soon after its launch and now is the time to actua…
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-</img></img> We knew this was coming, and its here ! One of the interesting phase in social media is going to be one when people start sharing their favourite brands and products via Twitter and Facebook. We already do, but there have not been an engine that could turn that all into a database, until now. Hollr is the new web application that lets you share your favorite brands and products via Twitter and Facebook. It doesn’t look spammy as its a nice piece of “recommendation engine”, where people who’re actually looking f…
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-</img></img> How about someone give you $100,000 to travel around the world, for free and all you got to do is record yourself on a home video and tell them, why you’d like to be the one ? Sounds too good to be true right ? Well it is for real and its happening on social media. </p> LG – The leading electronics company has come out with a new social media campaign for its new range of TV’s that has a unique new feature of …
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