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796 topics in this forum
-</img></img>So, lately Ive noticed that on certain search terms (couldnt categorize them,so lets say random), there occurs a single URL search result on Google. I mean, search results with just the URL, no meta tags, no page title nothing! If Im not wrong, there have been no such occurrences earlier on Google. Heres an example. [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now.…
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-</img></img>Rand Fishkin and Dharmesh Shah have come together with a fun-partnership tool this time Its a social bookmarking board (like Digg) where you can post new stories (on SEO and Marketing) and let the SEO community vote it up (or down). Looks like a nice concept, now that Sphinn and Digg has lost its [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Autom…
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-</img></img>Looks like the numbers dont match up at Facebook. With the IPO launch nearing, the financial side of things are not looking that very promising for the largest social networking site in the world. According to Inside Social Games, There is a $100 million discrepancy between what Facebook earned in payments revenue and what it [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! G…
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Back in October we posted this idea and got great feedback from folks. Today we're posting a quick review video on the topic. It's 3 minutes from your day that we hope will help get you pointed on the right path to becoming a true authority and reaping the benefits. Source: Bing Webmaster Blog
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- On my list of top 5 problems I encounter when doing client work, the number one problem is poor URL structure. In this post I’ll go over the basics, how to get it right, what are the most common problems, and how to fix them. URL Canonicalization While this may sound like a big fancy term, what it basically means is that your content needs to have one URL and only one URL to be most effective. For example, a website could have identical content on each of these URLs, yet search engines would consider them as different pages:…
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-</img></img>Vonage has released its iOs and Android app that will let you make free international calls and texts worldwide to its app users. According to their press release, any user with the app can make calls to other app users across the globe. And the calls are called high definition. Vonage Mobile uses the phone’s [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Auto…
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-</img></img>In what appears to be the latest blow to freedom of speech and the follow up to the recent sleuth of internet censorship, Indian Government has successfully convinced Facebook and Google India, to edit out offensive content in the region. Questions still being asked what is offensive content? Pages that are deemed offensive to [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links!…
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-</img></img>Not sure how many of us would be excited with this news but Orkut is not keeping away from further developments. Its latest addition to the Orkut community is hashtags, that lets you make any word a hashtag. Clicking on which will take you to the hashtag search page. Clearly, an inspiration from Twitter, I [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automat…
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Earlier this week, folks using their Bing Webmaster Tools would have noticed a new tool slipped into the mix. On the "Crawl" tab, you can now find a link to the Markup Validation Tool. This tool is a great way to understand if the added code is actually going to be readable, as intended. While the markup code being inaccurate will not cause your page to render any differently in most cases, having the syntax incorrect can affect our ability to use the data as you intend. Now you can easily check URLs for valid markup code from inside your webmaster tools account.…
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- In a recent statement Larry Page said if you don’t get SPYW then maybe you shouldn’t work at Google. To understand why he thinks this is such a good idea–and why the rest of the world thinks it isn’t–we need to revisit the concept of filter bubbles and why they are such a bad idea. Last year Eli Pariser released the book the Filter Bubble (see my review of the the Filter Bubble). As part of the promotion, he was asked to speak at TED. While I wasn’t there, I understand from people who were in attendance that it made several Googlers in the audience … lets go with “uncomfortable” … When your friends aren’t Go…
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-</img></img>So, Pinterest is the new rage in town. With Social Media mavens flocking it like never before, its everybodys toy. So,how can you use Pinterest? Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. They are more like an online pinboard people use to plan their weddings, decorate their [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. …
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-</img></img>The latest rumor about Apple is that its new gen version of iPod, the iPod Nano 7G might feature a camera as well. Details are not available about how powerful the camera is but the folks over at Apple Pro, have released a picture, of what looks like a patent file of the iPod Nano [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarking soft…
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-</img></img>Dave Copeland has an amazing write up on RWW on LinkedIn. I like using Twitter. I tolerate Facebook because I have to. And I’m on Google+ because everyone says I should be. That explains a lot. The article speaks about how things like scratch-back recommendations (I give you one, you give me back kind) can [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automat…
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- When you run a corporate blog sometimes it’s difficult to come up with interesting topics on a regular basis. In the past I’ve spoken about a few options like creating a series, how to posts and evergreen content. In this article I’d like to tackle another option, blogging to your existing customers, and turning them into return/repeat customers. If you are selling products or services, chances are you good you probably have 10 – 20 questions your customers ask about how to use products, correctly, better or more effectively. Typically most companies create an FAQ where they answer all of these qu…
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Whether you've decided to move your website to a new domain or you're moving content within a current website, it's important to know how to protect the trust value your current content has with the engines. Over time, links get built, content ages and acquires trust. You don't want to walk away from that if you can help it. Why start over when most of that value can be transferred to the content's new location? The solution to your problem is the 301 redirect. This redirect is referred to as the "permanent" redirect. Its cousin, the 302 redirect, is the "temporary" redirect. Basically the 301 tells us to please follow the link to find the new home for the content.…
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-</img></img>Im sure you wouldve come across several online marketing folks who would insist to do a Press Release every couple of months (sometimes even every week) and gladly spent thousands of dollars on it. Little do they know that Press Releases are a waste of time, if you dont use them the right way. And [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social…
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-</img></img>In online marketing, we often hear this word Website Authority repeated time and again. Especially from Google folks! Website authority remains a vague word (like many other phrases) even today. All we have are clues that suggests what it might mean for a website. Its a mix of social media metrics, search engine optimization and [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted link…
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-</img></img>Or regret. When ever I talk to brands about leveraging social media (sounds clich eh?) for SEO, people have this Oh no! Not again look on their faces. Weve tried it. Never worked! quips one. And theyre right. But they were mis-informed probably, that they left it soon. Heres the thing. Gone are those [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic So…
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-</img></img>Googles latest algorithm change has left webmasters puzzled. Like always, Google is using its scare-tactics to webmasters, to drive the point. This time, if your website is infested with advertisements, your site is going down the drain in no time, better clean them up before the big G screws you. Matt Cutts, posted an article [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! …
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It's conference season again, and we're looking forward to see folks at the shows again this year! If you're planning to attend either the SMX West event, or the SES NY event, here are discount codes for each event. SMX West : SMX10Bing will snag you a 10% discount SES NY : 20Bing will snag you 20% off If you want to hear what we have to say, we encourage you to join us at the following sessions. SMX West - booth #406 Feb. 28 - 9AM - 10:15AM Getting Personal, Part 1: How Google & Bing Personalize With Social Connectio…
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-</img></img>Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim. - Bertrand Russell Market is HUGE. Competition is hard. And if you want to rise above the rest and attract MORE clients in NO time, you have to show you are the best. Did you notice something there? I didnt say [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now. Automatic Social Bookmarkin…
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- Whenever you are involved in an ORM (Online Reputation Management) campaign, your goal is to displace negative results in the search engines with positive results. In a previous post we looked at creating microsites. In this post, we are going to look at leveraging social media profiles. As with every search result in Google, the top results are generally made up of the most trusted and authoritative results, so it makes the most sense for us to talk about the most trusted authoritative social media sites at the moment: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google plus. Facebook Facebook is by far one …
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- is a guest post by Gab Goldenberg, author of the advanced SEO book. Get a free chapter on link building here and check out his book affiliate program – the site boasts a 5.5% conversion rate to sale! Affiliate web design is not only unique because it’s purpose is to generate conversions – in contrast to providing an outlet for frustrated artists – but it has to do so in a limited environment where the conversion has to happen on a third party site. Here are the 10 key web design rules for affiliates. 10. Problem: You need to send the traffic onwards, with …
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-</img></img>In-house or Outsourced SEO? Long debated question. If you have a brand and assuming that youre serious with its online marketing efforts, there is no one good reason, why you shouldnt have an in-house SEO team. You could be an established company with several brands, a start up, or a media agency. Having an in-house [...] Directory Submission Software - Submit to 668+ directories in one go! Get it now. Get higher Page Ranks - Automated Link Building software that builds thousands of targeted links! Get it now.…
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As you go about working on your websites, optimizing things and managing your social media programs, its easy to lose track of information, or overlook something. In this post well take a look at some things you want to avoid doing. It may also be worth taking a look through your site and your programs to make sure youre not doing any of these things moving forward. Cloaking Cloaking is the process where you determine who the visitor is coming to your website, then show content depending on who that visitor is. Typically, the system detects a search engine crawler, and swaps more search-friendly content in place for them. Human visitors would then see a different co…
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